
TrickOrTreatLyrics:ByGeofJohnson/TheverybestpartofHalloween/Isgettingmorecandythanyou'veeverseen/I'vegotmyscariestcostumeon/I ...,trickortreat歌詞如下TrickortreatSmellmyfeetGivemesomethinggoodtoeatGhostsandwitches,go.,10/31萬聖節就快到了,分享一首我覺得很可愛的萬聖節歌曲:trickortreat.歌詞如下.Trickortreat.Smellmyfeet.Givemesomethinggoodtoeat,Yee-haw!Hyaa!Hyaa!Hyaa!Hyaa!Yee-haw!Yee-haw!Kno...

Halloween – Trick Or Treat Lyrics

Trick Or Treat Lyrics: By Geof Johnson / The very best part of Halloween / Is getting more candy than you've ever seen / I've got my scariest costume on / I ...

萬聖節遊街念謠歌曲~~trick or treat - 如來神掌

trick or treat歌詞如下Trick or treat Smell my feet Give me something good to eat Ghosts and witches, go.

萬聖節歌曲分享 - 歆的記事本

10/31萬聖節就快到了,分享一首我覺得很可愛的萬聖節歌曲:trick or treat. 歌詞如下. Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat

敲敲門,搗蛋還是請客?| 萬聖節歌曲|超級簡單的歌曲 ...

Yee-haw! Hyaa! Hyaa! Hyaa! Hyaa! Yee-haw! Yee-haw! Knock knock, trick or treat? 咚咚咚,不給糖就搗蛋? Who are you? 你是誰? ... Knock knock, trick ...


BABY班萬聖節表演歌曲. Happy Halloween. (左側也有播放器可以點來聽看看喔!) Halloween, yeah, yeah, yeah! Trick-or-treating, fun, fun, fun!

萬聖節Halloween歌曲 Trick or Treat (不給糖,就搗蛋) Trick or treat ...

... Trick or treat, smell my feet Give me something good to eat If you don't, I don't care I will pull down your underwear 在歌詞中,充分表達 ...

Knock Knock, Trick or Treat?-歌詞- Super Simple Songs

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you? I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you? I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

萬聖節歌曲:trick or treat

【Trick or Treat】 Trick or treat! Smell my feet. 不給糖就搗蛋!聞聞我的腳。 Give me something good to eat. 給我好吃的東西。

Knock, Knock! Trick-or-Treat | 英語萬聖節兒歌

... 歌詞Knock, Knock! Trick-or-Treat Knock, knock! Trick-or-treat. Give me something sweet to eat. Here are candies, jellybeans. Yummy, yummy ...

Halloween 好唱好跳的兒歌推薦!! 很好帶動氣氛喔

... 萬聖節教小朋友很能帶動氣氛的歌曲喔~~. 這首很適合帶動唱~~ 簡單節奏強 ... 歌詞版~~. Trick or Treat ?? 這首也是經典的~. Knock Knock, Trick Or ...